Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Let's Play Catch Up!

Over 6 months....that's how long it's been since I've blogged. Ohmigoodness. Seems like a great time to play catch up, right?

Let's see...things that have changed since my last post:
  1. I graduated!!! Finally!
  2. After 2 licensure exams and over 1 month of waiting for my fingerprints to clear, I'm...wait for it...officially a pharmacist! Double hooray!
  3. After over 8 months of seriously stressing over finding a full-time job postgrad, I was blessed with finding a job within driving distance of my home. God seriously knows what He's doing and I never pictured things working out as great as they have.
So, as you can see, I have been seriously busy trying to adjust to "life as a grown up" in "the real world" as a full-time employee. I'm sorry I've taken my blog for granted. In all honesty, I've been trying to remember the web address for the last week and finally took time to go back a bajillion pages on FB to finally locate it. I know, I never do things the easy way :-)

I'm currently working on a mantle (post to follow) for our house. When we sat down and really examined our long term goals, we decided that we are probably going to stay in our small rental home for another year or so. Hoping to pay down some student debt and save up for a house. Our current place is plenty big for just the 2 of us and our wild puppy (our "baby") so, we're in no hurry to upgrade!

And, as always, I've got several craft projects going on for Blissful Creations by Sarah. Trying to get ready for Fall decor!

Look forward to blogging again SOON!

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